
Virtual Church Resources

Books & Masterclasses—Dr. David Hairabedian
Music & PodcastPsalmist Joanna Hairabedian
Books available in Hardback, Softback, Kindle,  and Audiobook Formats
Masterclasses available for online streaming rental or download purchases
Scroll below for full menu of resources
Jet Ride to Hell, Journey to Freedom: David's True Autobiography
 A riveting storyline that includes a sting operation carried out by 20 armed federal agents on the tarmac of a South Florida runway and the tales of a prisoner living inside America’s maximum security prison, Leavenworth Penitentiary—this autobiography will captivate you from start to finish. In this book, you'll discover God's Purposes for your life!  Available in Hardback, Softback, Kindle, and Audiobook.
A Spiritual Key for Every Healing
"There is a Spiritual Key for Every Healing," were the words I heard as the vision opened up before my eyes. Then I was shown the "spiritual keys" that unlocked the doors for healing and miracles of almost every kind for man, woman, and child. In this book, you will receive the "key" or "keys" you've been looking for that will open the door to your breakthrough, healing, miracle, relationship restoration, and even your destiny. 
Dreams and Visions
God's Language of the Night. Inside this book, you'll discover God's Purposes for Dreams and Visions for your life. Learn the 7 Primary Purposes for Dreams. How to interpret dreams and visions by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. How certain symbols and colors can have dual meanings and, at times, opposite meanings. In this book, you'll learn how to best distinguish what God is saying to you through his language of the night. Put a pen and paper by your bed, because dreams and visions are imminent!
Twelve Supernatural Healing Vehicles from God's Word
Discover the variety of Ways God's Healing power is released to you and those around you Today! Twelve Supernatural Healing Vehicles from God's Word.  You will discover the authority you carry and decree the healing and wholeness with God's precious promises to become a partaker of the divine nature of Jesus.
Seven Deadly Diseases of the Tongue
Discover the seven deadly sins of the tongue and how to break these habits that can wreak more havoc in our lives than most realize.   It's time to be delivered and free from foot-in-mouth syndrome and be free!
Points to Ponder: Questions about Healing the Sick and Miracles Today?
Do you believe in the present-day ministry of healing the sick in Jesus Name? Might I suggest that “you practice daily what you really believe and everything else is just religious rhetoric”? In this book you will discover what the Bible really says about healing the sick, casting out devils, miracles, the gifts of the Holy Spirit and our commission to operate in all of this until Jesus returns.
No one Goes to Hell by Accident: You really have to try to get there!
“No one goes to hell by accident!” were the words I heard as the vision opened before me. The scenes that followed forever changed the way I saw the often-controversial subject of Hell.  Inside this book, you'll learn more about hell than you've been taught your entire life, and discover the freedom you've been seeking.
Are you Helping others or Hindering them Get to Jesus?
Are you helping or hindering others from getting to Jesus? This question is answered inside this book. Divine insights from Luke 5:17–21): the author reveals three kinds of people present before almost every miracle.   Once you understand these three dynamics you'll experience breakthrough and miracles.
How to Hear God When He is Speaking: Hearing God in 25 Different Biblical Ways.
Do you ever wonder why your relationship with God feels stale? Have you ever wished you could just hear if God was saying something—anything—to you? Grow in your relationship with God as you learn about the many different ways God uses to communicate with you!   This book is a must for every Believer!
Fools for Christ: Who are you a Fool for?
Who's fool are you?" is a thought-provoking question. Are you a Fool for Christ's sake, or a fool for the world? Inside this book, David Hairabedian reveals how everyone is really foolish in some way for what they believe in.  This book will make you laugh and encourage you to become bold as a lion as you walk with Jesus in the power you've been promised (Acts 1:8).
Dealing with Demons
Dealing with Demons helps identify the cause of many of our problems in life, from work to personal, addictions, and relational and tormenting dreams and thoughts. Between the covers of this powerful book you will find information and revelation that leads to freedom, power packed with Scripture to support every page .  This is a must read for those who want to walk in freedom, power and deliverance and love!
Seven Different Kinds of Voices
In this excellent book, Seven Different Kinds of Voices (How to Recognize, Distinguish, and Hear God's Voice), you will discover the variety of spiritual voices that contend for our attention every day.  This edition includes a bonus book, Hearing God 25 different biblical ways.  A must read for anyone who wants to hear God's voice personally and walk in the power of the Holy Spirit.  
Hope Deferred: Overcoming Disappointment and achieving Victory
David Hairabedian reveals the enemy's three-phase strategy of Hope Deferred: 1). Life's authentic circumstances contradict God's promises. 2). The negative mindset that develops contrary to the Word of God, and 3).  A demon spirit that comes to oppress our minds and sicken our hearts against God. Together these form "a triple-braided cord that cannot be easily broken."  A must read for those who want freedom!
What the Bible Really Says About Tongues: Four Different Types of Speaking in Tongues
This book will revolutionize your prayer life! Discover what the Word of God has to say about the gift of tongues.  David Hairabedian guides you through this subject, sharing from his own personal experience and through a topical study based on the Word of God.   You will receive a fresh infilling and divine desire to spend time with God, praying in the Holy Spirit that ushers in dynamic results in your walk with Jesus.
Permitting and Prohibiting: You get to choose!
Permitting and Prohibiting. You get to choose what and who you allow into the garden of your life.  Inside this powerful book, you'll discover your authority to decree the blessing of the Lord in your life and prohibit the curse of the enemy.  Knowledge is power, and you carry the kingdom keys of life in your hands from the King—Jesus Christ!~  Matthew 16:18-19 is explained in a way that finally makes sense, and now I'm confidently releasing God's decided will from heaven to earth and witnessing dramatic results from Jesus."  John from Texas

3 Masterclasses

Master Classes with
Dr. David & Joanna Hairabedian
Tongues Masterclass: $127
Prophetic School Masterclass: $77
Healing School: $19.99/month
Click below images to watch videos of each class offering.

Music by Joanna Hairabedian

Psalmist-Joanna Hairabedian, Worship and Soaking resources

Joanna's Podcast, Relationship Book and Healing after Abortion Music

Tune into Joanna's Women's Podcast, Reveal the Diamond Within
Listen to Joanna's song, 
Your Silence is Deafening
Get Joanna's Relationship book, 7 Mistakes Women Make that Repel Good Men

"I love this ministry!  David & Joanna are so full of the Father's love!"

- Pauline

"Joanna's worship and soaking music takes me into the heavens!"

- Caroline 

"This mobile app has helped transform my walk with Jesus!"

- Gregory