Heart of America Prison Ministries
We bring the Gospel to prisoners by providing personal study Bibles and ministry resources on electronic tablets. Since 1995, we’ve distributed over 10,000 high-quality study Bibles and made discipleship materials accessible on 350,000+ tablets across 500+ prisons in 40+ states.  Watch a recent Bible packing here.
For many inmates, the Bible is their most valued possession amid prison distractions. Our mission is to help transform lives—one Bible and one resource at a time.
Watch Valerie, a former prisoner, share how the EDOVO tablet and Jet Ride to Hell, Journey to Freedom, impacted her life. To help support this initiative, click here.   Valerie Rosas Testimony below.
This year, we reached a remarkable milestone by placing fifty of our top spiritual growth resources on 350,000 electronic tablets, now accessible to inmates in over 1,000 facilities through the innovative EDOVO tablet program.
Your support makes this transformative impact possible, equipping prisoners with tools for spiritual growth and preparing them for a successful reentry into society. Learn more about how you can help change lives behind bars.
In 2025, the reach of this program will increase to approximately 900,000 tablets in the prison system.
Support now.